
How to make a sustainable customizable collapsable cup that affordable so it could work as a promotional gift and still be a desirable iconic product to become the flagship of the Menos 1 Lixo Movement. Manufacturing it 100% in Brazil.



The great insight behind the project was the Ecodesign and the choice of materials for the highest performance, cost efficiency, but most importantly, that had existing manufacturing infrastructure in Brazil for producing it.



The final design of the cup maximises performance with minimum environmental impact. Containing up to 400ml while still being portable when collapsed. It’s frame works as an insulating handle for hot beverages, while keeping each different material completely dissociated from one another.

This means the cup is designed for disassembly for easy cleaning but also for increasing its lifecycle, allowing the substitutions of parts that break without wasting the other, and on the case of final dispoasability each material can be easily recycled.

The cup is composed of three dissociated parts, a flexible silicon body - a completely inhert and food safe material, the frame and lid in polypropilene - a rigid foodsafe plastic. All pieces can withstand hot beverages and even a dishwasher.

All this features plus the carabiner ring, have made the cup an Icon in Brazil, becoming a national success, saving over one billion dispoasable cups according to the movement.


LESS ONE TRASH CUP · 1 Billion Prevented Disposables
Menos 1 Lixo Movement
COMPANY · Bolei Sustainable Innovation
ROLE · Strategist and Product Designer

Victor Lopes Mascarenhas
Luciana Aguiar Borges